1. Tim Frankovich says:

    While I consider “Rora” to be Huggins’ masterpiece, “Leviathan” is one of my favorites. It sort of takes some of the concepts of Jurassic Park to the extreme.

  2. dmdutcher says:

    What’s interesting about this is that Huggins actually published his books in secular, mass-market format over twenty years ago. He is one of the few who did go out into the secular market, yet he never really got known. He’s pretty good if you like a Dekker/Crichton hybrid of sorts.

  3. bainespal says:

    If there were ever to be a “best of Speculative Faith round-up,” this review should be in it. One of the best I’ve read.

    In other words, might makes right.

    A controversial statement that I’m sure reflects a theme from Leviathan. I wouldn’t bother to argue against it, except that it gives me the excuse I’m looking for to promote an academic paper I came across about Tolkien’s views and themes compared with Postmodernism:


    In the paper, Ralph C. Wood explains Tolkien’s rejection of the Nazi’s might-makes-right interpretation of Germanic myth by means of the fatalism and epic loss in the mythology. Power leads to corruption.

    • You’re too kind, bainespal. Thanks!

      And thanks for the linked article. As an amateur Tolkien scholar, I loved it (though I disagreed with swaths of it due to its ironically-hegemonic imposition of philosophical metanarrative and a lack of attention to the text, to wit: Frodo’s providentially-redeemed failure at Mount Doom is immediately followed by the gloriously excessive celebration at the Field of Cormallen, most of the Nine Walkers are chosen as purely multicultural representatives, they are, not having known each other prior to the Council of Elrond, bound by the abstract principle of opposition to Sauron, etc. etc.). Mm-mmm … meaty! Takes me back to the days when I and a likeminded covey spent whole evenings reading symbolic meaning into every jot and tittle of the Legendarium. It also expanded my vocabulary. Fructifying, indeed! 😉

      I’m glad that someone, at least, found that statement controversial. I half-intended it to spark debate. It does reflect a theme from Leviathan — albeit a subtle one. But that’s not the reason I asserted it; I did so to provide an interpretation of the Book of Job, in which God allows horrific catastrophe to befall His most loyal human servant and then, in response to that man’s indignation, thunders on about His superiority and might until Job repents in dust and ashes. What other takeaway is there to be had?

      Since I try my best to base my worldview entirely upon direct revelation whenever possible, I’ve come to the inescapable conclusion that there’s nothing higher than God. No other gods, no universal ideals, no logical proofs, no abstract principles, nothing. God is the Be All and End All, the ultimate Source and Definition of reality. God isn’t good because goodness is good; goodness is good because God is good. Thus, goodness is defined as what God is and does. It’s a logical non-sequitur for me to say to God, “You should do X because it’s good!” Were I to do so, I’d be elevating an abstract conception of goodness to a higher plane of existence than the Person of God Himself. God is judged by no one. He does whatever He wills. And, whether I like it or not, what He wills is good. Goodness doesn’t define God; God defines goodness.

      It’s in this sense that I say “might makes right.” It’s an assertion that can’t be divorced from its follow-up: none is mightier than God. This is no “universal principle” higher than God Himself; it’s a principle that begins and ends with God. God created the universe, and for that reason alone is eminently deserving and capable of its rule. He doesn’t deserve to rule because He’s morally “better” than everyone else — such an assertion would imply that God competes for authority under rules which apply equally to all, and we know that God brooks no competition and plays by no rules but His own. Instead, He deserves to rule by virtue of His preeminent power.

      Might makes right, and none is mightier than God. In other words, God makes right.

      That’s a notion to which I daresay Tolkien would’ve subscribed.

      • Christian Jaeschke says:

        Austin, I loved your Noah movie review and I’m loving this book review of yours. You sell it so well. The result: Leviathan sounds like my kind of book, so I’m going to check it out. Cheers, mate!

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