1. bainespal says:

    Tolkien’s story “Leaf by Niggle” really speaks to creativity being a gift, both to the creator and to others. I read it for the first time last night; I don’t know why I hadn’t read it previous times when I’ve held a library copy of Tree and Leaf.
    It moved me to tears when Niggle finds his unfinished and unappreciated masterpiece complete and real in Heaven/Purgatory, and declares, “It’s a gift!” A gift to Niggle from God, a gift from Niggle back to God.

  2. R. L. Copple says:

    And with a great gift comes a great responsibility.
    Well put, Stephen.

  3. Becky says:

    Fantastic post. I thank God every day for the creative gift He gave me. My greatest desire is that my stories will lift peoples’ hearts and turn them toward Him.

What do you think?